openInjMoldSim installation tutorial




openInjMoldSim è il solver per openFOAM v7/6/5 per la simulazione dello stampaggio ad iniezione di polimeri. Come openFOAM è distribuito secondo licenza GPL ed è liberamente scaricabile dal repository:


Requisiti: -openFOAM7 installato (generalmente in /opt/openfoam7 se si utilizzano repository ubuntu).

Una volta replicato il repository sul proprio pc per l'installazione del solver si procede a copiare la cartella di origine in openfoam7

$  sudo cp -R /home/user/openInjMoldSim/applications/solvers/multiphase/openInjMoldSim/ /opt/openfoam7/applications/solvers/multiphase
$  cd /opt/openfoam7/applications/solvers/multiphase/openInjMoldSim
Si dichiara quindi che vogliamo che il solver venga compilato direttamente insieme agli altri solver di openfoam7  (FOAM_APPBIN) modificando una stringa all'interno di Make/files:

$  sudo gedit /Make/files

e cambiamo la riga:

EXE = $(FOAM_USER_APPBIN)/openInjMoldSim


EXE = $(FOAM_APPBIN)/openInjMoldSim

Salviamo e chiudiamo "files" , da terminale quindi eseguiamo questa sequenza di comandi

$  wclean
$  sudo bash
$  wmake
Al termine della compilazione avrete installato openInjMoldSim in OF7.


openInjMoldSim is the openFOAM sovler for injection molding analysis, it is opensource and free and you can get it from:


first of all you must have openFOAM7 installed on your PC (usually in /opt/openfoam7 with ubuntu repository).

Once get the repository on your pc you should copy the installation folder in the openFOAM7 application folder:

$  sudo cp -R /home/user/openInjMoldSim/applications/solvers/multiphase/openInjMoldSim/ /opt/openfoam7/applications/solvers/multiphase
$  cd /opt/openfoam7/applications/solvers/multiphase/openInjMoldSim

Now it's time to tell the compiler that we want the solver in the same folder where other solvers are stored in openfoam7 (FOAM_APPBIN), we can do this just by modifying a line in the file Make/files in openInjMoldSim

 $  sudo gedit /Make/files


changing the line

EXE = $(FOAM_USER_APPBIN)/openInjMoldSim


EXE = $(FOAM_APPBIN)/openInjMoldSim

save and close gedit , now from terminal:

$  wclean
$  sudo bash
$  wmake


At the end the solver will be ready to use in your openfoam7 installation.